Flore Bastille

Flore Bastille

Hand Bouquet & Florist

Hand Bouquet & Florist




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Real Wedding

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An artisanal flower arrangement started in 2016, FLORE BASTILLE specializes in bespoke floral arrangement services, as well as styling and conceptualizing events and weddings.

We are a passionate team of florists who view our craft as an art, we are inspired by nature’s vibrancy – putting together a dazzling array of alluring textures in an organic style for your most precious occasions. Using only the freshest seasonal blooms and emphasizes other areas of the plant, such as its stems and leaves, and a whole lot of imagination.

FLORE BASTILLE adopts a contemporary techniques mix in with classic contemporary styling for floral arrangement. Our signature style is a blend of quirky blooms in spring/autumn soft tone colors, evoking a memory lane of sweet moments on love. We seek to create and present to you the sophistication of flowers. FLORE BASTILLE brings forth the extreme simplicity of the wild rustic yet romantic of flowers.

Social Media
    By Appointment Only
    Phone: +6281288081728
    Email: florebastille@gmail.com


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