Le Paperville

Le Paperville

Wedding Invitation

Wedding Invitation




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Real Wedding

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We Live in a Village
That speaks language of Love...

We are two daydreamers that has the same passion and dreams. We wanna make the world surrounded by wonderful things. Santi loves anything pastel and dreamy, while Kinsky loves everything bold and beautiful.

Dream on, dream on
We never stop dreaming and make our dream come true.

Imagine, Imagine
We live in our own fairytale and start to live in a dream from scratch and sketch.

Idea and Idea
tell me your idea and we make your idea come true, again starts from a piece of paper, that's why we have passion for papier.

Invitation and Papiers are our finesse. Walk into our paperville and tell us what your idea and we will make it come true. :) We believe everyone has different dreams, that's why we design personally based on your theme.

Social Media
    By Appoinment Only
    Phone: +6287880201229
    HP: +6287880201229
    Email: info@lepaperville.com


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