Eiffel Cake
Eiffel Cake

Eiffel Cake

Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake

about 3 months ago




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Real Wedding

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Eiffel Cake, not only providing a delicious tasty cake and a beautiful shape of the cake, but we also provide friendly, personal services, with a high level of care for our customers to produce your personal dream cake.

With the tagline "Romance is in the Cake", we hope when our client bought our cake, it's not only buying a cake but also a special experience together with our cake.  

At Eiffel Cake, we provide a wedding cake, birthday cake, and souvenirs with chocolate or cake as the main ingredients. We offer lots of various cakes, with different sizes, shapes, and flavors. The wedding cake is decorated in 6 types, which are: Flower, Jewel, Art, Doll, Cupcakes, and Real cake. Your own personal choice in creating your own personal design for your wedding cake will reflect yourself and how your personality is. You may choose a sophisticated elegant look, or show your playfulness and sense of humor to represent "your" style.

Here are 4 various types of wedding cake recipes:  Cheese Cake, Opera Cake, Black Forest, and Lapis Surabaya. Try our sample of the cakes, and tell the difference after that.

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