Berawal dari Kopi, Berujung Pasangan Sehidup Semati! Inilah Kisah Bahagia Annisa dan Rizaldi

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Foto Liputan: Terralogical I By Afat Jaya I Saksama Photo I Venue: Bunga Rampai I Hallf Patiunus I V

Foto Liputan: By Afat Jaya I Venue: Bunga Rampai I Hallf Patiunus I Video Liputan: Leura Films I Wed

Foto Liputan: Terralogical I By Afat Jaya I Saksama Photo I Venue: Bunga Rampai I Hallf Patiunus I V

Foto Liputan: Terralogical I By Afat Jaya I Saksama Photo I Venue: Bunga Rampai I Hallf Patiunus I V

Foto Liputan: Terralogical I By Afat Jaya I Saksama Photo I Venue: Bunga Rampai I Hallf Patiunus I V

The Wedding of Annisa & Rizaldi

Engagement: Venue: Bungarampai Restaurant I Attire: ANW I Decoration: Moist Decoration I Photo & Video: Saksamaphoto I Accessories: Ruang Jiwa I MUA: Raudha Caesaronthya I MC: Helo Ismi I Nails: Fairfax_id I Seserahan: Cora-se I Shoes: Malone Souliers - Dr. Martens I Earcuff: Rumme I Hantaran: Sewarna Gifts

Prewedding: Documentation: By Afatjaya - Eros and Echoes I Attire: Aesthetic Pleasure - Anggun Busana - Svas Privee - Jansober I Stylist: Adella Adinda I Accessories: THA I MUA & Hairdo: Nadhirart - Ciska Maryono

Wedding Day: Venue: Hallf Pati Unus I Attire Akad: Kirtas by Cinintya Syakyakirti I Attire Reception: Kirtas by Cinintya Syakyakirti - AKSU Custom I Decoration: Sekala Mekar I Documentation: Terralogical - Leura Film I Wedding Accessories: Tulola Designs - Ruang Jiwa - Vienna Gallery Wedding I WO & WP: Pindy Wedding Organizer I Digital Invitation: Viding I Family Attire: Handsofolin - Anggun Busana I Family MUA: MUA Bekasi by Della - Nadya Arninta I Keepsake: I MC: Yudha Putra I MUA & Hairdo: Edith - Kandy Nurbayanti I Music: HS Music Entertainment I Nails: Laffee I Photobooth: I Shoes: Manolo Blahnik -Kirtas by Cinintya Syakyakirti - Carmina Shoemaker