Just Coco

Just Coco

Catering & Sweet Corner

Catering & Sweet Corner



Just Coco is committed to use fresh and natural produce as our main ingredients. Using fresh coconut juice (not coconut flavoring or bottled juice) as the base of our products. 

Just Coco is created for everybody. It is safe for kids, pregnant women and also elder people. Our beverages is a unique combination of natural goodness, the fresh coconut with creaminess of fresh milk mixed with or without choices of fresh fruits or for those who is lactose intolerant or lives a vegan and dairy free lifestyle could also enjoy and taste the unique coconut combination

And also using real fruits as the combination (no artificial flavoring), so our customer could have the healthy benefits from our products for their well being 

It is a blessing to live in a tropical country like Indonesia and to have easy access to consume the tropical fruits like Coconut Coconut has been known for its health benefits, it contains nutrient that our body needed, and packed with electro lytes that help to keep us hydrated. It is low in calories, contains natural en zymes and minerals, and a source of antioxidant makes coconut juice en joyable to drink anytime of a day com pare to other sugary beverages

    Jl. Pluit Karang Indah Timur no. 24

    Phone: 087710103107
    Email: justcoco.id@gmail.com