Art Flower Florist & Wedding Decoration
Art Flower Florist & Wedding Decoration

Art Flower Florist & Wedding Decoration

Hand Bouquet & Florist

Hand Bouquet & Florist

about 2 months ago



Art Flowers Florist is a Florist Decoration and Wedding based flower shop that offers quality flowers and elegant floral designs for any occasion at very affordable and flexible rates that suit to any budget and needs, big or small event. We offer an ample selection of imported and local flowers
We have also our expert florists who can create professional and stunning floral designs like bridal bouquets, birthday bouquets, mini bouquets, center pieces, church and reception floral arrangements,drapings, funeral wreaths standing arrangements,etc So, let Art Flowers Florist be your first choice for flowers! Visit or call us today and have your floral consultation with our floral experts.

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    Komplek Puri Mutiara D No.116 Jl. Griya Utama Blok
    HP: +628129492596 / +6281807218126