HARRIS Hotel & Convention Festival CityLink Bandung
HARRIS Hotel & Convention Festival CityLink Bandung

HARRIS Hotel & Convention Festival CityLink Bandung

Hotel Wedding Venue

Hotel Wedding Venue

about 1 years ago




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Real Wedding

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Only 5 minutes away from the exit toll Pasir Koja, 20 minutes from Husein Sastra Negara airport, 30 minutes from Kebon Kawung Central railway station and just 30 minutes to Pasar Baru. With a direct walking access to the Festival Citylink Mall where a wide and attractive variety of entertainments and shops can be found, this hotel is a unique destination for weekdays and weekends either you are on a business journey or just enjoying your free time.

Social Media
    Jl. Peta no.241, Pasir Koja
    Phone: 022-6128600
    Email: drm@harris-festival-bandung.com


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