Brutus Rumah Mode
Brutus Rumah Mode

Brutus Rumah Mode

Groom Suit

Groom Suit

about 3 years ago




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The BRUTUS fashion house is popular for their personal design and finesse in the cuttings of the suit to the Indonesian executives with it's high quality exclusive garments which are both comfortable and attractive.

The BRUTUS has been in men's formal wear industry for over fourty years, and now caters to those who demand higher standard on fashion.

Mien Brutus, the designer and owner of the BRUTUS fashion house is constantly creating new ideas to offer to his clients. Whether it is for formal, traditional, office, to daily wear coats, each item is produced in high standard quality control. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is what we aim for!! 

Dalam 40 tahun lebih kami berkarya, sudah banyak kami temui berbagai macam pelanggan. Kami terus belajar dan mengikuti mode- mode yang terbaru sehingga kami dengan bangga dapat mengikuti dan menjadi salah satu pelopor dalam FASHION untuk jas pria dan bukanlah hanya sekedar tailor (penjahit).

Brutus Rumah Mode, juga melayani pembuatan seragam/uniform, jas kantoran, dan jas pernikahan. Kami siap meng-transform anda dengan penampilan yang berbeda.

Brutus Melayani / Services:

  1.  Custom Design Jas / Suit
  2.  Custom Design Celana / Trouser 
  3.  Custom Design Kemeja / Shirt
  4.  Custom Design Rompi / Vest
  5.  Custom Design Dasi / Tie
  6.  Custom Design Batik

Social Media
  • Brutus Rumah Mode

    Jl. Pinangsia Timur 4CC 4DDJakarta
    Phone: +62216905090
    HP: +62216263176
  • Grand Indonesia W. M - UG 16

    Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 -Jakarta Selatan
    Phone: +622123580986/ 33939933


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