Athelina Luize Professional Make Up
Athelina Luize Professional Make Up

Athelina Luize Professional Make Up

Make Up Artist

Make Up Artist




My name is Athelina Luize.Makeup isn't just a hobby but has always been a passion of mine since very early age.  When I was 19, I decided to pursue my desire full time by entering Rever Academy. I gained invaluable knowledge on make-up and cosmetics and became the best graduate 2004. Upon graduation, I gave commercial make-up services for fashion photo sessions, fashion shows and advertising.Driven by the need to be better and hone my skill, I took another course while doing my work. This time I had private sessions with Peter F. Saerang and Gusnaldi, both of whom were very inspiring. A year afterwards, my obsession for make-up brought me to Cosmoprof Singapore to polish my make-up skill.After years of experience and dedication, we look best in simple and natural makeup to radiate our true beauty. It is a style that brought me not only domestically – like in Jakarta and Bali – but also internationally – like in Singapore and Malaysia. This is solely because I’m dying to bring out women inner beauty through my natural make-up type, especially on their wedding day.

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    By Appointment Only

    Phone: (031) 7027 5838

    HP: 0816553816 (Lina)