VOLARE Musical
VOLARE Musical

VOLARE Musical

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Founded on solid devotion and wholeheartedness, an entertainment group called VOLARE Musical come to light in January 2008.  VOLARE Musical consisting of pianist, guitarist, contra bassist, along with four singers, offers a minimalist take. 

Inspiration calls for the best of them and VOLARE Musical soon evolved to VOLARE Musical Big Band, wishing those who listen a memorable and unforgettable experience. VOLARE Musical continually enriches and advances it self through routine practices to answer the remarkable quality and commitment  the world  demands.  This determination has become VOLARE Musical strong point indeed.  Many accomplishments and experiences in both local and international arenas have firmly established VOLARE footsteps in its way to be one of the prominent groups in showbiz. VOLARE Musical systematically engages in a synergic training and evaluation. Through this commitment we are able to bring fort team members who are always reliable and accountable in every clientís needs

Social Media
    The VIDA Office Building 3rd A Floor Unit 2

    Jl. Perjuangan No 8 Kebon Jeruk

    Phone: 021 22054889
    HP: +628129008388
    Email: volare.musical@gmail.com


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