Daday Khogidar Wedding Gallery
Daday Khogidar Wedding Gallery

Daday Khogidar Wedding Gallery

Traditional Make Up

Traditional Make Up



His career in the world of beauty now is a rising, and this is the fruit of his hard work and support of people around him. "Many who supported me to be like this now, as Ny. Hedy, Ny. Iis Sagita, Mrs. Poppy Nanita, and my management team ".Their work began in 1997, when he was born in Bandung is a course in Bandung LPK Hedy's leadership in Ny. Hedi. Various make-up contest was followed and the results are very satisfactory. General Champion Make Up and Hair Tata Tiara Kusuma West Java General Juaran 1997 and Character Make Up Tiara Kusuma National disabetnya. If the count is calculated, there are 40 trophies to be obtained from the pageant.Its characteristic beauty glam makeup, suits his talents make up the bride with modern and traditional culture while still heeding the existing grip.Being a professional wedding makeup is a dream long ago. Therefore that all work activities and handled properly, Daday has a management team consisting of managers, assistants and artistic team.

Social Media
  • Daday Khogidar Wedding Gallery

    Jl.cemara no 67 Bandung
    Phone: (022) 2040225
    HP: 0818 422 994

  • Jl. Raya Padalarang no. 576 ,
    Phone: (022) 6806421
    HP: 0818 422 994, 081 221 778 699
  • By Appointment Only
    Jakarta Pusat
    Phone: 0818 422 994 / 081 221 778 699