Burgundy Dine & Wine
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
about 1 years ago
Burgundy Dine & Wine has become one ofthe greatest fine-dinings in Bandung. Located in Raya Maribaya street no. 163,Bandung,Burgundy offers sophisticated dining experience. Inspired by the name of beautiful place in French which produces some ofthe most prestigious and expensive wines in the world, Burgundy offers largecollections of wine, delicious food and of course a breathtakingview which will make a very worthy dining experience.The concept of the Burgundy itself isinspired by a mashed of affordable yet mouthwatering European gastronomies, andWestern favorites and also Asia Cuisine. A a top rank on siteslike TripAdvisor, we have several best seller signature dishes; they are,Burgundy Fries, Tournedos A’la Burgundy, IgaBakar Langen Sari, Penne Rigate Ala Burgundy, and our special beverages;Burgundy Martini, Burgundy Popping Splash, and Burgundy Tea.We also often make some events such as Winetasting day, Valentine day, Food market festival, Chinese New Year Celebration,Christmas and New Year. Every Saturday night, guests can enjoy live acousticband.Our Marketing are ready and willing to workwith you through the entire event planning process. We are happy to handle allof your party requirements including helping you to select Food & Beveragespackages, suitable Entertainment, and will be on hand to supervise your event,to assure the complete satisfaction of you and your guest.So, what are you waiting for! Come andenjoy our food, beverage and of course wine; moreover, make your event here!Because Burgundy is the right place to make anunforgettable beautiful event such as Workshop, Meeting (lunch or dinner),Birthday Parties, Reunion, Gathering Press Conference, Product Launching, FilmShooting and Photo Shoots, Anniversary Parties, Wedding, and any otheroccasions that you want celebrate!
Jl. Raya Maribaya No. 163, Dago Giri
Phone: (022) 2787 125
HP: 0811 228 8088
Email: marcoms.burgundy@gmail.com