Chakra Wedding Hall
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
about 14 days ago
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Chakra is a new romantic and tranquil place located at the heart of BSD, The Breeze. Chakra has a wonderful architectural design, surrounded by a beautiful lake. Chakra is a great place to enjoy your lunch, dinner, and also casual tea. It is a place to restore your positive energy, a hideaway from your busy day, and a nice place to hangout with your friends. Chakra is also our dream come true by creating the most unforgettable place to hold wedding ceremony, wedding reception, birthday celebration corporate gathering, reunion place, or high tea parties with your friends and kids. From wedding to daily life, we have a combination of a great chef and a nice selection of desserts around the world. It is the best place to enjoy indulgence of your life.
Chakra Wedding Hall
Jl. Boulevard BSD Raya, Green Office Park Kav 1 BSD CitySerpong-Tangerang
Phone: +6288213659999
HP: +628161156534
Email: info@chakravenue.com -
Head Office : Kompleks Ruko Harmoni Plaza Blok B No : 14-15 Jl. Suryopranoto 2, Petojo Utara.,
Jakarta Pusat
Phone: +62216320800
HP: +6281287769010
Email: info@chakravenue.com