Taipan Restaurant
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
about 1 months ago
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Taipan is located right at the heart of Medan, exactly at the CapitalBuilding on the first and eight floor. Taipan is a choice of venue for anexquisite gourmet experience. Taipan is recognized as one of the MostElegant Chinese Restaurant in Medan, part of the internationally renownedcuisine of Singapore Tung Lok Group. With a contemporary Chinese decorativeaccent, enhanced by modern Chinese artworks create a singular ambiance thatsets the tone for an outstanding dining experience. First floor RestaurantDine at Taipan Restaurant offers the first class Chinese cuisine. From DimSum to an extensive selection of signature dishes, Taipan provides anexperience not to be missed. Private VIP roomLocated on the first floor. Taipan Private VIP rooms provides pleasantatmosphere suitable for most occasion such as informal gatherings, privatefunctions, corporate functions, etc. Taipan has 10 private rooms which canaccommodate up to 180 diners. Grand BallroomLocated on the eight floor. Taipan's Grand Ballroom provides one of the mostluxurious ballroom in comfortable setting with seating capacity ofapproximately 80 tables. Taipan's Grand Ballroom is suitable for weddingdinner, birthday party, corporate gatherings, and many more.
Jl. Putri Hijau no 1 A
Capital Building Lt. 1Medan
Phone: (061) 455 6333