Kencana Art Photography
Kencana Art Photography

Kencana Art Photography

Photographer & Videographer


Photographer & Videographer




Founded in 1981, Kencana Art Photography is the biggest photo studio in Yogyakarta.
With our in-depth experiences, we value photography techniques above all else; combining fresh new ideas with original and unique concepts.
Equipped with the latest technology, Kencana Photography strives to cater the best products and services to you.We also provide video services for our customers since 2011, as we feel the passion to serve our clients even more.

Social Media
  • Kencana Art Photography

    (Art Photography) Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro 106 Yogyakarta
    Phone: +6274513064 (Hunting)
    HP: +62811293122

  • MGK Kemayoran Ground Floor Blok B-8 No 10,
    Jakarta Pusat
    Phone: +622126647139
    HP: +62811293122